Catie Armbrecht


Friday 9:00-9:50am

Mat Pilates increases the mind body connection through breath, core activation, and mindfulness. It challenges one’s strength and control while centering the body. This class is great for self-care, and could be used as a conditioning warm up before taking other classes as well.


Catie Armbrecht is a dancer and movement educator from Cleveland, OH. She graduated from Ohio State in May 2021 with a BFA in Dance, a business minor, and a complete pre-physical therapy track. She is trained in Polestar Pilates, is an Apprentice Instructor of the GYROTONIC® Expansion System, and has experience teaching dance in various settings to students of all ages. Catie is currently dancing in Cerqua Rivera Dance Theatre, as well as Niko8, and is thrilled to be teaching mat Pilates at CMC!